As Hurricane Isaac approaches, cops shoot 2 in St. John Parish, Louisiana – video

“The Louisiana State Police reports that an officer involved shooting occurred earlier this evening in St. John Parish.

Officials say the shooting involved deputies with the Sheriff’s Department. We’re told no deputy was harmed.

We’re told two suspects were shot and their condition is unknown at this time. It happened some time after 6:00 p.m. at a location off Airline Highway in Reserve.

The investigation is ongoing and information is limited at this time. We will continue to update as soon as more information is available.”


In the video found on this link, the corporate news commentator has a leisurely chat with a Sergeant Marie, during which she says, “I hate to do this to you” before inquiring about the shooting, as if to ask even if the cops shot anyone (regardless of the details) is burdensome for both her and the cop. Some say about the media/police – “Media points, cops shoot.”


  1. Michelle · · Reply

    These people are both dead now. It was a man and a woman.–167784995.html

  2. karen prine · · Reply

    My Parents are the victims that where brutally killed in st john the baptist in reserve. The police had no reason to shoot my mother not once but multiple times all over her body and killed my father when her tried to run to my mothers side. The police where suppose to help them work out there dispute between my mother and father and instead shot both my parents multiple times. ttimestimes.fono reason

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