Aaron Palmer, 24, shot and killed defending his father, Randall Palmer, from Oklahoma police

“An investigation is underway following an officer-involved shooting in Seminole.

The Oklahoma Bureau of Investigation said a Seminole County law enforcement officer attempted to serve a felony warrant for Randall Palmer at his home in Seminole about 7 p.m. Saturday.

Palmer’s 24-year-old son Aaron Palmer confronted the officer with a knife, a news release from OSBI said.

The officer fired once at Aaron Palmer, striking him in the chest. Aaron Palmer was transported to a hospital in Shawnee and died.”




  1. Lori Holland · · Reply

    Aaron was not defending his father. The police were looking for his father, Randall Palmer, who was wanted for non compliance with the local drug court program. Aaron was at home on Saturday night when the police kicked in his door. He was chopping celery and onion for dinner when the police entered, and as he came to see what was happening the officer immediately shot him. Randall Palmer was found where he was hiding from the police, in Shawnee, the next night.

  2. The OSBI released new information today. The Officer that shot Aaron is in a relationship with Randall Palmers ex-wife. The “Officer” was not CLEET certified and just 6 months ago was the dog catcher for Seminole. The judge who signed off on this warrant should never have allowed this “Officer” to serve the warrant because he was personally involved. This is never allowed on a jury. Apparently he had no training in proper police procedure. Randall Palmer did not live in that house it was rented by Aaron and his fiancee’ Nicole, their 3yr old daughter was with Aaron, he was fixing dinner for her. The next-door neighbor was a witness, he said that from the time the officers entered the home and he heard the gun shot was less than 1 second. The police have made a horrible tragic mistake. I have know Aaron for as long as he has been with Nicole (about 7 yrs) he was one of the nicest,most easy going people I have ever known. He was a loving father and completely devoted to his fiancee’. He was truly a good man.I do not believe that Aaron in any way, shape or form was a threat to the officer that shot him-whats the range of a knife? It doesn’t matter at all what kind of person Aaron was-he was an innocent victim. He did nothing wrong, Someone needs to be held accountable.

  3. This is such a tragedy and could have been avoided by using just a little common sense. The first thing I thought of as I was reading the original story was, this is bs. If I’m going to serve a warrant at 7:00 pm, I’m going to expect the people in the house may be preparing or eating dinner. If I’m going to kick someone’s door in without knocking, I’m going to expect some kind of normal reaction. That’s exactly what this rookie cop got, a normal reation and he had no idea what to do so he shot first taking a young man that was in the prime of his life away from his family.
    How can the police dept. put someone on their payroll without proper training with firearms? Incredible!
    I live in California and knew Aaron when he was a little boy. He was one of the best kids

  4. Lori Holland · · Reply

    Jo or Terry, have you heard that the DA is entertaining charges of murder against his father? Apparently they have been threatening or discussing that.?. If so we all know it is just a way to cover the officer’s backside! Sickening if so.

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